Sunday, September 12, 2004

Movie goings.

I watched Collateral on Saturday and Garden State tonight. I saw Collateral for the second time, but I love the movie. It has great action and is somewhat insightful. I wouldn't say it's an intellectual movie, but Tom Cruise's character says a lot of true stuff about our society today that I have to agree with...despite the fact that's a sick insight. Tom Cruise's character is very cynical about life and indifferent to people around him, but he lacks the idea of hope, which was a crucial flaw. Anyway, go see the movie for the action if nothing else. Tom Cruise is a very convincing villain; anyone who doesn't like him as an actor can just kiss my muscular butt.

Garden State is also worth the movie ticket. A movie ticket from the dollar theatre if not from the "real" theatre. In fact, you can probably wait for it because there is nothing in the movie that demands amazing sound or picture, but the content of the movie is amazing. The movie has a very clear message of living life to the fullest, but does it with very dark it's right up my alley. The whole "sieze the moment" and "make the most out of everything" seemed to be continually pounded in every single scene in the movie, and it was a little annoying; however, it wasn't enough of a drawback to bring the movie down. I loved it. Plus Zach Braff and Natalie Portman made an awesome performance; they click very well together. And I love Natalie. She will be my future wife.

1 comment:

Possum said...

I want to see both of those movies. *sigh* I don't know that I ever will.