Sunday, February 26, 2006

Oh, man.

I felt like writing a blog right until I opened up the blog text box, so I'll just say some brief random things:

-Moulin Rouge is an excellent movie. It was hardly what I expected it to be, but then again I didn't know what to expect.

-Adult Swim on Saturdays suck except new episodes of Full Metal Alchemist and Aqua Teen Hunger Force

-Metallica sounds dang good with the San Francisco symphony playing behind them.

-Kareoke rules.



MalaBOOYAH said...


"On the Road Again" by Willie Nelson

"Frail" by Jars of Clay

"Rince De" by Michael W. Smith

I hope they don't mind.

Tim said...

you've never seen Moulin Rouge before? We have it and you could've watched it while you were here. I would've watched it with you.

Phil said...

Sneaky punk. You thought we wouldn't notice, but we did.

The Proprietor said...

I love S&M. (The album, that is).

Dave1974 said...

What? What is this? Lem - a Metallica fan? Check out the The Black Album - it's awesome!

Dude, karaoke rules! Always!

Luke said...

I've seen and heard none of those things. I'd like to see the m-rouge sometime though. Metallica is now classic rock, so I guess it is permissible to listen to it. heh. conservatives. meh.

Possum said...

I have Metallica's S&M on CD (actually 2) if you would like to borrow it, senor Luke.

Only if you promise not to generalize so broadly using such loaded terms (conservatives? huh?) anymore.

Luke said...

ah fine. no more generalizations from me.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Moulin Rouge either.

I love you freaking random you are sometimes, dood.