Wednesday, March 08, 2006

In between.

I apologize for the lack of posts on this blog. I just haven't been in the mood for it lately. It's probably because of a mixture of WoW, late-night television, hanging out with friends, and school. But it's probably mostly WoW.

So my session is over. I'm in the middle of break week, and I'm not doing anything special or going anywhere far away. I did debate whether or not to go up to Nor Cal, but I'm really low on money. Oh, well. I really wanted to see the family, but that is what you get for choosing a school 500 miles away. I managed to finish pretty strong in my class, pulling out an A- on my final project (5-10 minute documentary piece). I pretty much procrastinated till the very last week. I filmed for like three days of that week, then edited it all in one very long night. I'm so awesome. The teacher told me in the critique that the video was..."not bad." That's a compliment coming from him.

A friend of mine graduated after this session, and it made me realize that graduation is not far at all. It's a little scary to think that I won't be doing school anymore, and I will have to depend on myself from now on. I won't be able to pull the "Ask Mom and Dad for money" move after then. I'll need to find a good place to stay, pay my own bills, actually eat decent meals...being grown-up is a lot of doing things that aren't very fun. But then again, being a not-grown-up is a lot of that as well. I guess life won't be better or worse; it'll just be different.

Maybe I'll take that job at CityTeam.


chrissybarany said...

World of Warcraft! You are such a geek! I know what you mean about the graduating. I'm totally reliant on my financial aid checks.

Anonymous said...

Pshhhh. Don't listen to that girl. Play all of the WoW you want! :)

I'm such a hypocrite. I'm actually taking a break from it right now, in case you noticed, lol.

I suppose this is why you weren't at EPC last Sunday? Well, don't sweat it. Next Sunday we won't be playing, but be ready for the Sunday after that. Tim better be healthy by then...

The Proprietor said...

What! You can't ask mom and dad for money after you graduate?

Anonymous said...

Lem - we are right here for you at CityTeam when you are ready. We would really like to see you come back and use your many talents here at CityTeam. Carol