Thursday, July 06, 2006

They're my friends too!

It's midnight, and I will begin the third season of Friends. Thanks Nem!

UPDATE #1: It's 3 pm on the first day, and I'm half way through the season. I love summer!

UPDATE #2: After a long break, I started watching again in the late evening and killed all but two episodes. It's 2 am. I'll finish it tomorrow.

UPDATE #3: Done! I managed to finish a whole season of Friends in less than two days. It's like when I watched Dawson's Creek: Season Three with Tim Machlan in three days. That was heaven.


Dave1974 said...

Oh, jeez!

Luke said...

awesome. i've never really seen friends before. what I have seen was pretty funny. if a bit randy.

Phil said...

That's just wrong... It's basically not even very funny.