Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Kill Star Trek?

What do you guys think? Should Star Trek die or take a long break, or should they keep going?



Tim said...

I was a really devoted fan and tried but just couldn't stay with "Enterprise." TNG was definitely the best and I liked both DS9 and Voyager.

Even though I'd like to see a better Star Trek show, I tend to agree more with the first guy's arguments. Star Trek shouldn't die but "lay fallow" for a while.

They shouldn't have killed Data.

Dave1974 said...

Atleast Star Trek went on a slow decline. Star Wars however ...

Anonymous said...

Speaking of shows that should die...



Andrew said...

My thoughts can be found here. Brought to you by danweasel's manual TrackBack protocol. ;)

MalaBOOYAH said...

Hey, Andrew! It's been a while since I've talked to you. I do visit your blog frequently, and it's a good read. Rock on.