Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Really, it only looks like I'm a chain smoker.

I look so sexy in this picture. Posted by Hello

This cigar actually didn't taste that good. That's okay, it was only three dollars. Posted by Hello

I didn't actually smoke that cigarette (minus a puff for the picture). Why? Because cigars are better. Posted by Hello


Tim said...

I wonder what mom will say when she gets the e-mail with the link to this post...

Phil said...

Well what did you expect for three dollars?

You're right tho. cigarettes suck. cigars are 10x cooler.

Dave1974 said...

Don't cigars have more nicotine in 'em?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, dude. I think you can smoke if you want to. Just remember the consequences.


Oli said...

I'm pretty sure that cigarettes are more addictive though. And I heard the other way, that cigerettes have more nicotine in them. Either way, I'm telling mom for Christmas.