Wednesday, November 17, 2004

By golly, it's late!

I bought the new album by Collective Soul (see previous post), and it's pretty good from what I've heard so far. There are two songs on there that are of the Collective Soul greatness, and that's almost worth the buy.

I watched The Beach tonight. It's a pretty good movie. I can't say that it's amazing because it just gets too crazy in the end. I have never read the book, and I'm sure it's wonderful; however, the movie just didn't follow through to the end. The setting was awesome, though. I really miss the tropics now, and maybe that's why I liked the movie some. I had a soft spot for the environment that I've been missing for a while now. DiCaprio did a good job as an actor, though. The French girl was cute. Definite points to add to my viewing pleasure. The French girl, that is.

Here are a couple links to some interesting reads from the daily blogs I visit:

Examining the Job Narrative from Andrew Nichol's blog Philosophical Poetry. A good commentary and summary on the book of Job. It's a bit of a read, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks, Andrew.

A.J.'s most recent post on his website. A.J. has one of the most unique and best sense of humor that I know. It's just so different that it's enjoyable.


chrissybarany said...

The guy who plays a lot of cricket isn't bad either. Too bad Leonardo Dicaprio had to be in the movie.

Andrew said...

Glad you enjoyed the post, Lem. I do my best to write something people can appreciate. Keep on trucking in your part of the 'sphere.